Next Plus is a performance support, Industrial IoT, paperless platform for manufacturing and mainten
Aquacubes是一个分散的智能养鱼场,每个人都可以在自家后院养殖自己的鱼。 Aquacubes is a decentralized intelligent fish farm, every
the new approach of the “Personalized Physiological Medicine (PPM)” based on a smart peristaltic ent
(原文)Volvero is an app in sustainable mobility for sharing vehicles that connects owners with people
本项目提出建设北斗林业生态移动巡护平台,包括北斗巡护移动终端和生态巡护管理平台两部分,主要实现: (1)基于位置服务的理念,借助于北斗卫星导航技术,解决通讯盲区的通讯问题; (2)实现与专业性的林